Some who believe in theistic evolution teach incorrectly that it was only spiritual death that came as a result of the Fall. We need to understand Genesis 2:17.
Many old-earth creationists (OEC) try to get around young-earth creationist arguments about there being no death (animal or human) before Adam sinned.
A vast number of conservative theologians accept animal death before Adam’s Fall.
Which history of death do you accept?
Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, AiG–U.S., explains why a placenta is not a living creature.
The tragic effect that evolution and its view of death has on evolutionists becomes quite clear. The danger of eternal death is eclipsed, and many people miss the offer of salvation.
While agreeing with most of what Kulikovsky says, I was surprised to find that he had difficulty accepting the concept of spiritual death since this is clearly stated in Scripture.
I often ask Christian audiences — did Kangaroos once live in the Middle East? Usually I find that very few, if any, put their hands up in agreement.
As a Christian, do you clearly understand why young-earth creationists believe that a billions-of-years-old earth is incompatible with the Bible? Most Christians do not.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.