The estimated numbers, sizes, and types of ark animals impact nearly every aspect of the vessel’s interior operations.
Taking a closer look at difficult Bible passages can lead to questions. Is the truth lost in translation?
Are dinosaurs proof of millions of years of evolution? Or a reminder of God’s glory?
Skeptics claim that a wooden ship the size of Noah’s Ark couldn’t possibly stay afloat. Did God perform a miracle to keep it from sinking?
Christians need not be intimidated by “scientific” pronouncements that deny the clear words of Genesis. Evidences for the flood are everywhere if your assumptions don’t blind you to them.
When we examine claims that the consensus is wrong, we must weigh the claims against what Scripture says.
How can we be sure there was a worldwide flood as the Bible claims? These five strong evidences show that the catastrophic event really happened.
God blessed Noah’s obedience—but that doesn’t mean life after departing the ark was easy.
For more than 200 years, Christians have been trying to reinterpret the six days of Creation in Genesis 1 to make them align with millions of years.
There are "many infallible proofs" given in Scripture for the resurrecction of Jesus Christ—yet many still do not believe. Why?
We don’t need to abandon our defense of the Scripture to emphasize the resurrection.
While researching for the Creation Museum’s newest exhibit, the content writer discovered surprising parallels between life at the time of Christ and the culture today.
We know all about the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the apple he offered Eve, right? Let’s take a closer look at the actual words of Scripture.
Explore the origin of pre-flood “gopher wood” and possible identities of the wood used to build Noah’s ark.
Get answers to questions regarding the Christ’s resurrection and its relationship to the Old Testament.
Several popular Christians don’t seem to think it really matters who wrote Genesis.
From archaeology to astronomy, evidence from many fields points to the veracity of God’s Word.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.