Many old-earth creationists (OEC) try to get around young-earth creationist arguments about there being no death (animal or human) before Adam sinned.
Do trillions of artifacts found in Africa and elsewhere prove that the young-earth creation view is ridiculous?
A vast number of conservative theologians accept animal death before Adam’s Fall.
In a blog post for The Gospel Coalition, Justin Taylor presented his reasons for doubting that the days of creation in Genesis 1 were literal 24-hour days.
Few people have actually read the works of Darwin, and if they did they might be shocked to read some of Darwin’s ideas.
“Why make such a big deal about the age of the earth? It’s so divisive!”
BioLogos attempts to convince Christians to believe in evolution and millions of years and reject the clear teaching of the inerrant Word of God.
The creature Pakicetus was initially regarded as a primitive whale, while further analysis confirms it was a land-dwelling mammal.
The fossil record falsifies the theory of evolution, but it confirms the teaching of Genesis 1.
Charles Darwin’s anti-biblical, naturalistic worldview assumptions controlled his interpretations of what he saw in the world
Last week in Bolivia, AiG held some very full days of presenting creation apologetics talks in the city of Santa Cruz.
Thankfully, there is no reason to fear demons.
Dr. Terry Mortenson, AiG-U.S., responds to a recent blog post by Dr. Peter Enns that strongly accused Ken Ham of teaching obvious error and misleading Christians.
We must consider why the scriptural geologists wrote on this subject, summarize the contemporary reactions to their writings, and then analyze the reasons for the reactions of their opponents.
All the scriptural geologists in the early 19th century believed that Genesis 1–11 provided a divinely inspired and historically accurate account of the origin and early history of the world.
Though virtually unknown in discussions of the scriptural geologists, William Rhind’s geological qualifications enabled him to debate the issues of his day.
Young had an obvious love for the study of geology and saw it not as a threat, but as an aid to faith.
John has been completely overlooked by historians, and his works related to the Genesis-geology debate were largely ignored by contemporary old-earth proponents.
Fairholme did not discuss at length his view of the Bible. But clearly he held to the traditional Christian view of the inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture.
Ure wrote his book for the expressed purpose of promoting the study of geology, that “magnificent field of knowledge.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.