Evolution is taught virtually everywhere as fact. I saw this again first hand as I traveled to Ukraine, Russia and Canada last fall.
George Fairholme was an enthusiastic and competent geologist, well read in the leading geological literature of his time, British and foreign.
I have been asked many times as to my response to the teachings of Dr Hugh Ross—probably the world’s leading Progressive Creationist.
Samuel Best devoted his clerical life to serving the people of Abbots Ann near Andover. His great heart was for the people and he demonstrated this through the establishment of a primary school.
I attended a lecture with the above title given at Miami University by Dr Tim White, a leading researcher on human evolution from the University of California at Berkeley (California).
The British nation today is sliding into moral and spiritual chaos as God’s Word is brought down while Darwin’s Origin of Species is exalted.
Recently Glenn Morton has been promoting his web article entitled 'John Murray: A Misrepresentation of History.'
Recently Glenn Morton has been promoting his web article entitled 'John Murray: A Misrepresentation of History.'
This spring I had the wonderful opportunity to speak many times about Genesis and creation in Poland, Moldova, Russia, and Hungary.
Thomas Gisborne was a highly respected and nationally influential evangelical Anglican minister in early nineteenth century Britain.
Although numbered among the early 19th century scriptural geologists, Henry Cole was largely ignorant of the facts of geology.
Andrew Ure was one of the top chemists of his day with an international reputation as a meticulous scientist, a prolific writer and an effective teacher.
An evangelical Anglican pastor, George Bugg faced difficulties and controversies within the church because of his uncompromising stand on the Scriptures as ‘strictly and literally true’.
At a time when many early geologists were abandoning Genesis, Granville Penn made a courageous stand in defence of the Scriptures in his book.
The scriptural geologists in Britain in the first half of the nineteenth century tenaciously defended Genesis 1–11 as a reliable historical account.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.