If you just connect all the dots, isn’t it easy to see how the first humans could evolve from a shared ancestor with the apes?
The young-earth creationist view has been so maligned in popular culture that many people think creationists deny basic facts of life.
What happened to the early Americans? New research is turning evolutionary narratives upside down—and creation scientists like geneticist Nathaniel Jeanson are leading the way.
Genetics confirms the recent, supernatural creation of Adam and Eve and refutes the evolutionary narrative on human origins.
Repeated misrepresentations of creationist views protect the legal basis for excluding creationism from the classroom.
We previously reported an egregious case of professional scientific misconduct; one of the perpetrators has responded with additional dishonesty.
We recently broke the news, via video, of professional misconduct on the part of one of our leading evolutionary opponents. Here, we document the news in print.
In light of the discussion from this report, what can we conclude from the debate between Dr. Herman Mays and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson?
On June 5, 2018, a self-described Christian and professor of chemistry published a provocative blog post titled “Talking Science as Christians.”
The ethical use of human stem cells controversy has cooled and almost subsided. But not for the reasons you might expect.
The progress of science over the last 150 years has not only rebutted Darwin’s central arguments for evolution; it has also replaced them with an entirely different scientific explanation for the origin of species. Recent research on Darwin’s finches has confirmed this bold pronouncement.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.