Mike and Kelly Johnson

Mike and Kelly Johnson

Congressman and Counselor

Congressman Mike Johnson (LA–04) is Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference, a Deputy Whip, and a leader on the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees, where he serves as Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee. He is the former Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus in Congress. Mike previously served in the Louisiana Legislature and as a constitutional law attorney and leading defender of religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and traditional values.

Kelly Johnson is a licensed pastoral counselor and the CEO of Onward Christian Counseling Services, LLC, and its nonprofit subsidiary, Onward Christian Education Services, Inc. She also serves as an advisor of the Louisiana Right to Life Federation and is a former classroom teacher. For nearly 25 years, Kelly has served as a spokesperson and leader for the pro-family movement in Louisiana and beyond, led various women’s ministries, and has been a popular speaker at Christian conferences and women’s events.

Mike and Kelly have served in ministry together on the front lines of some of America’s most pivotal cultural battles, been named “Champions of the Faith” by the Southern Baptist Convention. They are the parents of four children, Hannah, Abigail, Jack, and Will. Their top-rated weekly podcast, “Truth Be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson,” is available on all platforms and their website: MikeandKellyJohnson.com.


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