Marvin Lubenow Articles

Latest Articles by Marvin Lubenow

  • Aug. 3, 2018 from Searching for Adam

    There are three lines of evidence demonstrating that the Neanderthals were fully human ancestors of modern humans in spite of their undeserved sordid reputation.

  • In-Depth Article
    The Problem with Australopithecus sediba
    Aug. 11, 2010 from Answers in Depth

    Yet another alleged human ancestor admittedly doesn’t quite make the cut.

  • In-Depth Article
    The Neandertals: Our Worthy Ancestors, Part II
    April 11, 2007 from Answers in Depth

    Today, the majority of paleoanthropologists believe that the Neandertals were a species separate from modern humans.

  • “Hobbits” Were True Humans!
    Feb. 14, 2007

    The island of Flores, Indonesia, was the discovery site of fossil adult humans just three feet tall with a cranial capacity of about 380 cubic centimeters. Their scientific name is Homo floresiensis. However, they have been nicknamed “hobbits,” after the stars of the Lord of the Rings saga by Tolkien.

  • In-Depth Article
    The Neandertals: Our Worthy Ancestors
    Nov. 29, 2006 from Answers in Depth

    One hundred and fifty years have passed since the first Neandertal fossil individual was discovered in 1856 in the Neander Valley in Germany.

  • In-Depth Article
    Lucy’s Child, “Selam,” from Ethiopia
    Nov. 1, 2006 from Answers in Depth

    The morphology of this new fossil discovery and the lack of transitional forms indicate that this fossil discovery has no relevance to human origins.

  • “Hobbits” Were Real!
    Sept. 13, 2006

    Mystifying human fossils were found on the island of Flores, Indonesia, by a team led by Peter Brown and M. J. Morwood, and reported in Nature.

  • The Toumaï Skull: Ape or Human Ancestor?
    Aug. 30, 2006

    In 2001, a chimp-sized cranium (lacking the lower jaw) was discovered in the Djurab Desert in the central African nation of Chad.

  • Fact Versus Fiction: The Recent Ethiopian Fossils
    April 17, 2006

    The Asa Issie fossil discovery is just one more of evolutionists false interpretations of the fossil record in an attempt to “prove” an animal origin for humans.

  • Research Paper
    Nailing Jello (Jelly) to the Wall
    Aug. 1, 2001, pp. 27–30

    This book reveals Tattersall and Schwartz revolting against the current scheme of human evolution—especially the straight line arrangement of human ancestry.

  • Research Paper
    New Hominin Skull from Kenya
    Aug. 1, 2001, pp. 8–9

    A new fossil discovery that is ‘dated’ as contemporaneous with Australopithecus afarensis in the middle Pliocene has caused paleoanthropologists to re-evaluate their interpretations.

  • New Hominid Skull from Kenya
    April 16, 2001

    The new fossil skull is quite distinct from A. afarensis, and has been given a new genus and species assignment--Kenyanthropus platyops, “flat-faced human from Kenya.”

  • Research Paper
    Lagar Velho 1 Child Skeleton
    Feb. 1, 2000

    When the parents of that four year old boy buried him many years ago, they could not have known how important his remains would be to their descendants.

  • Technical Research Paper
    Recovery of Neandertal mtDNA: An Evaluation
    April 1, 1998, pp. 87–97

    The recovery of mitochondrial DNA from the right arm bone of the original Neandertal fossil discovered in a cave in the Neander Valley has been hailed as a stunning feat of modern biochemistry.

  • Magazine Article
    The Pigs Took It All
    June 1, 1995, pp. 36–38

    A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution.

  • Magazine Article
    Axing Evolutionary ideas—Stone Dead!
    June 1, 1994, pp. 28–30

    One of the most popular myths of human evolution is that stone tools testify to the increasing mental and conceptual abilities of humans as they evolved.

  • Magazine Article
    The Human Fossils Still Speak!
    March 1, 1993, pp. 10–13

    The human fossil record is completely compatible with special creation. In contrast, the human fossil evidence is so contrary to evolution that it effectively falsifies the idea that humans evolved.


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