The case of UCYN-A is an interesting one but does not represent what pop-sci articles claim.
Given the rush to “cancel” people, why do so many ignore one of the most influential racists from the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin?
PDF DownloadWhat is speciation, and do creationists think it happens?
Phylogenetics, the proposed evolutionary history of a species (or group of species), ultimately fails because of flawed scientific and philosophical assumptions.
Why do some creatures leave their young for others to raise?
In the US, most Christians are at least vaguely aware that the public school system is hostile to Christianity. What most probably do not know is how openly Marxist and occult the school system is.
We shouldn’t try to reconcile Christianity and Marxism
The evolutionary explanation of complex life forms doesn’t add up.
How biblical kinds differ from modern species, a history of speciation models, and why the biblical model better explains the natural world
Non-coding DNA, far from being “junk,” has multiple functions that are a problem for evolutionists and point to the Creator.
How we know human life begins at fertilization, as the Bible affirms, and the cultural consequences of ignoring the facts.
How mutations could be removed from a genome through inbreeding, though the original integrity could not be restored in reality or in an evolutionary paradigm.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.