Our modern society believes we are just reaching the height of human intelligence. If we accept this evolutionary view, what do we do with the biblical account?
Hermeneutics—“rightly dividing the word of truth”—begins with a careful look at each word to determine its original meaning.
Sometimes we can destroy the meaning of a text by an incomplete study of the context or by imposing our own ideas on it.
The Bible is full of claims that are often hard to understand and reconcile.
Pastor Don Landis helps us understand that the world's persecution against Christians flows from a rejection of God and the truth of His Word.
Read excerpts from the book The Genius of Ancient Man by Don Landis
The discovery of ancient law codes and historical records that precede Moses has opened a treasure trove of information about early civilization.
Download biblical authority discussion questions for your Bible study.
Science is a powerful, God-given tool, but only the Bible is true in every aspect.
Our contemporary Christian culture has slipped into some flawed views of biblical authority. Among them is the attitude that it’s good to know what the Bible says but we can turn to other sources
“The Bible contains truth,” we often hear. But what do such words really mean? Behind them is a flawed view of biblical authority, with deadly consequences.
Not just the Bible’s authors but Jesus Christ Himself claimed that the Bible was God’s Word.
Lord, what area of my life today needs to be brought under your authority in full compliance to your Holy Word?
PDF DownloadThe deity of Jesus (the assertion that He is both God and man) is so vital to the gospel that, if not true, there is no hope for salvation.
The world constantly screams to pastors that the literal six-day creation is just a Bible story. But Scripture lays out the truth.
These biblical authority discussion questions can be used with your Sunday school class or small group.
PDF DownloadDownloadable study questions for your Sunday school class or small group for the article "Jesus . . . Plus."
Ever since the serpent said to Eve, “Indeed, has God said?” the Word of God has been questioned and attacked.
Biblical Authority Discussion Questions from AM 5.1
The relativistic evolutionary thinking of our culture is affecting the worldview, lifestyle, and behavior of our Christian youth.
Biblical Authority Discussion Questions, AM 3.3
Even though a major AiG emphasis is the evolution/creation issue, the real goal is to see the confidence of believers grow in the accuracy and truthfulness of all of the Bible.
How does biblical authority affect your everyday life?
It is one thing to talk about the authority of Scripture, but far more important to obey what God says.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.