Creation was by the direct action of the Creator as opposed to some naturalistic process. Creation took place in the beginning and was finished and complete. Creation was not spread out over a major portion of the supposed evolutionary vast time history of the universe. Creation was by the word of the Creator.
Believers can agree on one thing: our unity should be centered in Christ. We all desire unity; the question, however, is what kind of “unity” Christ really desires, and whether the foundational truth in Genesis is essential for Christian unity.
If Christians doubt what at first appears to be insignificant details of Scripture, then others may begin to look at the whole Bible differently, eventually doubting the central tenets of the Christian faith, namely the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thus the historicity of Scripture is quite important.
Ultimately, the controversy about the age of the earth is a controversy about the authority of Scripture. If millions of years really happened, then the Bible is false and cannot speak with authority on any issue, even the Gospel.
Does belief in biblical inerrancy necessitate belief in a young earth and universe?
John Whitcomb explains the timeless truths that will help us reach the next generation with God’s message of redemption.
Dr. Mac Brunson is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, formerly pastored by Jerry Vines.
When Moses turned aside to see the burning bush, he was stepping onto holy ground. Yet the Bible teaches us that all ground is holy ground.
The order of events of creation recorded in Genesis 1 contradicts (at very many points) the order of events according to the evolution story.
Evolution has been popularized and presented as scientific truth, and many Christians have added evolutionary belief to their biblical belief in God as Creator.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.