The Bible is God’s Word, and because of that we can trust what it says. The Bible is true from beginning to end! Are you interested in studying the Bible yourself, but don’t know where to begin? You can start with these Daily Devotionals.
We don’t know exactly what work Jesus did for a living, but we can be sure that he is the Son of God—the way, the truth, and the life.
The Bible teaches that God created humans in his image—separate from the animals.
Fulfilled prophecies are one way we can know that the Bible is God’s Word.
The Bible’s history goes back a long way. Let’s journey to the past to discover how we got God’s Word.
Because God is the Creator, He is the one who is in control of everything.
When God first created the world, everything was “very good.” Bad things didn’t start happening until sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
When God created Adam and Eve, he wanted them to truly love him.
The Bible is a book that is a collection of 66 smaller books, with 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
On the sixth day of creation week about 6,000 years ago, God made the first human—Adam—from the dust of the ground.
There were about 40 different writers over a very long time who wrote the Bible.
It is a very sad situation here in America that in public schools there is much confusion about God and the Bible, and what people can say or do.
The Bible is no ordinary book for many reasons.
The Bible is a book like no other. Because it is the Word of God, it doesn’t have any mistakes in it.
The Bible has been amazingly preserved over the years—another sign that God wrote it.
Because God is the Creator, He is the one who is in control of everything.
If the Flood of Noah really did cover the whole earth as the Bible describes, we should find billions of fossils.
Noah and his family went on board the Ark with animals of every kind.
There have been many attempts to find Noah’s Ark, but none have been successful.
These are the directions God gave Noah for building the Ark.
Two lessons emerge for our minds to consider: one is sad news, and one is much better.
God’s judgment on the people demonstrated that their sin was severe.
The Bible says the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
Sometime after Noah turned 500 years old, God gave him a special assignment.
The ark was a large, long ship whose job was simply to float and keep its cargo safe.
When God first created our world, it was perfect. What happened?
The Bible is the most read book in the world. It has had an incredible impact on cultures.
God told us a long time ago. Let’s see what God’s Word has to say.
Hunting fossils is so much fun. But are there things we can learn from fossils?
The Bible tells the truth about scientific things. There are many examples.
Archaeologists have made many discoveries that confirm what the Bible says.
Another way that we know that the Bible is from God is through fulfilled prophecy.
God tells us He moved men to write the books of the Bible.