Children in the Hands of a Powerful God

Parents’ Corner

by Libby Wild on April 1, 2016
Featured in Answers Magazine
Audio Version

As I crouched in the doorway of our wooden catamaran’s cabin, the lightning came so thick that a new bolt struck before the old one faded. I didn’t have time to count “One Mississippi” between thunderclaps. Watching Morgan and Hudson manage the tillers, I pondered our exposed little boat on the open sea.

It is a strange thing to be in the midst of such a powerful storm. As the tempest swirled around me and the wind howled in the darkness, I felt completely helpless and yes, frightened. Yet as I talked to the Lord, I realized something. I was watching my boys almost without blinking, as if my gaze would somehow make them safer. Is not the Lord God doing the same for us? Does He not see us as His children, watching us more vigilantly, with more care, with more power than I as a parent ever could?

There we were, in the middle of a mighty storm, but safe in the hands of a powerful God. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1 (NIV)).

I am not suggesting that we put ourselves in danger just to experience God’s protection. Anyone who knows me understands I do not look for risk. I have thrown away many food packages because the seal might be broken. I always read the fine print on household cleaning products. I like safe. But sometimes we find ourselves in sticky circumstances far out of our control.

We were preparing to take our oldest son, Morgan, to the USA for college. Because of Mike’s nautical experience, we planned to train the boys through a sailing adventure instead of buying airline tickets. And on this, our first night under sail, the storm swept in from nowhere and took us off guard.

As parents navigating in an uncertain world, we must hold tight to what is certain. Mike and I have spent the last 18 years preparing Morgan to set off on his own. Even so, the next few years seem as uncertain as that stormy night on the boat. What does the future hold?

In the midst of the storm the Lord was our certainty. I could almost hear Him saying, “Am I not the Lord God who made the storm and winds?” I still don’t know what is going to happen, but I know He is in control. That calm confidence comes through God’s Word and the faithful work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

I am confident God’s Word is the key to my boys’ success as we look out on the horizon of unknowns. All the years of teaching them the Bible will not be in vain. If our children are grounded, confident, and unwavering in the Word of God, they can handle all that this life will bring. The Bible reveals their Creator who is also their Savior and Father. If they will fully trust in Him, He promises to keep them safe and secure in His powerful hands.

Meet the Wilds

Mike and Libby Wild are missionaries to the Wonok people in the jungles of Asia Pacific. Together, they serve the people and are working to translate the Bible into their language. Their children share the excitement of missionary life in a popular DVD series The Wild Brothers.

Wild Family

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