Dinosaur footprints create an apparent dilemma for creationists. How could they ever be made and fossilized during the Flood? Conventional geologists also face a dilemma. If geologic change takes place slowly, surely footprints made in mud would be obliterated by wind and rain.
Millions of dinosaur tracks have been discovered in sedimentary rocks all over the world. At first glance, it seems difficult to explain the formation of dinosaur tracks during the Flood. A closer inspection of the details, however, demonstrates that the Flood is a reasonable explanation.
Lark Quarry in Queensland is home to the only known fossil record of a dinosaur stampede. There, preserved in mid-Cretaceous rock, are about 3,300 individual tracks representing about 150 dinosaurs of varying sizes and kinds.
A new find makes one fossil trackway even more incredible because the trackway is split between two continents and separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
How can footprints be preserved? That’s a question we should be asking after a recent discovery in Texas, made possible by low water levels.
A recently discovered “toe” was part of a nearly three-foot-wide footprint from an Iguanodon, a dinosaur that could reach lengths of 36 feet.
The only positive evidence supporting the assertion that these dinosaurs were dancing for mates is that some modern birds engage in ritual courtship dances.
Can walking birds trace tracks back through the sands of time and correct some false impressions of dinosaurs?
A storybook version of hadrosaur history collapses, favoring an interpretation based in eyewitness history and the observable data.
Fossils like thousands of “blobs with toes” mark the presence of dinosaur diversity in the Alaskan past.
Fossilized dinosaur tracks attest to the reality of God’s judgment in Noah’s Flood, which is no fiction but an actual historical event.
Preserved in Lark Quarry’s mid-Cretaceous rock are almost 4,000 individual tracks representing about 180 dinosaurs.
Paluxy River tracks in the Texas spotlight
Is the Dinosaur Freeway a record of migration “to find new forage” or a panicky attempt to evacuate?
The great dinosaur stampede mystery solved (again).
Skeleton in the closet puts its foot down.
Evolutionists claim that fossilized footprints found in Poland give clues as to the history of dinosaurs.
Dinosaur footprints create an apparent dilemma for creationists. How could they ever be made and fossilized during the Flood?
Remember the “dinosaur dance party” we reported on News to Note three weeks ago? Yeah, forget that.
Out come the dinosaurs and down comes the disco ball—a lively social scene from 190 million years ago?
The locals in the village of Madar, Yemen, are finally learning that the fossilized footprints running around their town weren’t made by giant camels!
Recently Woodmorappe drew attention to recent work reinterpreting certain alleged dinosaur tracks. However, he adds several comments that appear to some to be unwarranted and open to challenge.
It seems difficult to explain the formation of dinosaur tracks during the Flood. A closer inspection of the details, however, demonstrates that the Flood is a more reasonable explanation.
Fossils are not only bones, but any remains of dead organisms, including tracks.
Human footprints lie alongside thousands of dinosaur prints on a Turkmenian plateau, a Russian newspaper has reported.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.