Over time, many beliefs with little to no Biblical basis have crept into common Christian thinking. This web series aims to correct some of the most commonly held misconceptions about the Bible.
Was Jehu condemned for carrying out the command God gave him? Troy Lacey and Tim Chaffey explain this alleged contradiction.
Was David just a “little guy” when he fought Goliath? Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., examines what the Bible actually teaches about the stature of David.
Does a manger refer to a whole stall or just a feeding trough? Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., explains.
In each culture and language, there are certain words that many people believe we should avoid. Is this because they are inherently bad words?
Would Joseph’s relatives still have accepted him, or more importantly Mary, into their homes, because they would have thought that Mary was pregnant out of wedlock?
One of the keys to taking a stand on the Word of God is making sure we understand what is actually stated in the Bible. Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., introduces the Clearing Up Misconceptions web series.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.