Marketing-savvy evolutionists have noticed that the word evolution has become such a loaded term today that it is turning off a large segment of the U.S. population. The teaching of an old earth is more of an attack on the authority of Scripture than perhaps evolution itself.
The common claim that no conflict exists between modern neo-Darwinism and orthodox biblical Christianity is contradicted by the conclusions of many of the most eminent biologists living today. A clear, unbridgeable contradiction exists between Darwinism and theism.
Answer these ten questions test whether or not your thinking has been influenced by evolutionary teachings of Darwinism.
There is no fossil evidence that one kind of creature has ever changed into a different kind—they have only produced variation within each kind. The first time a creature appears in the lowest rock layer it is fully formed and fully recognizable.
Children’s science books teach Darwinism dogmatically and, often, incorrectly.
It has been said that no book, other than the Bible, has had a greater affect on society than Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.
The fossil record falsifies the theory of evolution, but it confirms the teaching of Genesis 1.
The word evolution is such a loaded term today that it is turning off a large segment of the population. Shrewd evolutionists have been sneaking in their worldview through the back door.
The claim that all, or most all, Darwin-doubters are fundamentalist Christians is commonly found in both in the popular and professional scholarly literature. But is this claim misleading?
A team of evolutionary scientists accepted the Great Commission for their Cause by going on the road to preach to the “yokels and morons” in America’s heartland.
A central plank of evolution is the belief that life was not designed nor does life have a purpose except survival, contradicting the common observation that life appears designed and appears to have
Is denying evolution “like . . . ignoring the exquisite ruins of the Roman Colosseum”?
Some News to Note readers may find the name Michael Zimmerman rings a bell. If so, don’t be surprised; Zimmerman is the creator of the “Clergy Letter Project” and its “Evolution Sunday” event.
A reader asks for help responding to an excerpt from Richard Dawkins’s new book. John UpChurch, AiG–U.S., breaks it down.
Philip Skell, a member of the National Academy of Sciences for more than three decades, cautions against protecting Darwinism through censorship.
Darwin claimed that a brain that evolved could not adequately detect design. But he did not consider his own presuppositional beliefs or the implications of such an argument.
The behavior of some Christians toward a famous evolutionist is shameful, but his arguments against God are empty at the least.
Understanding the book "On the Origin of the Species" after 150 years.
In a poll sure to make nearly everyone cringe—for varying reasons—more respondents were found to believe in “the devil, hell, and angels” than in Darwinism.
If you’re interested in seeing the cornerstone of evidence for evolution—the birds that helped inspire Darwin—your chance is coming soon.
When Darwin went to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, he noticed that island finches had developed a variety of beak sizes, and he speculated on how that happened.
Trips to the zoo are fun and educational. But, more and more, zoos are also venues that promote an evolutionary agenda.
In the Answers magazine article, Are YOU Evolutionized?, you saw eight questions that tested whether or not your thinking has been influenced by evolutionary teachings.
On Thursday’s debate of the Republican candidates for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, a question was posed: How many of you don’t believe in evolution?
In spite of repeated attack on evangelical Christianity in the UK, apparently only 48% of the British public actually believe evolution.
While the creationists had their Creation MEGA conference last month, the evolutionists (at any rate, 210 of them) were busy in June with their World Summit on Evolution in the Galápagos Islands.
I am very impressed with the quality of your presentation, with the media savvy with which you present your case, and the quality and clarity of your responses to evolutionary questions.
Darwinism misled researchers into developing a harmful set of treatment techniques for certain back conditions.
This week's positive feedback is from M. M. of NC, USA.
Sometimes logic and reason against the tide of evolutionary indoctrination come to the fore in surprising places.
Apathy about Genesis and origins by the Church has meant that the world-view of society’s leaders and opinion-makers is thoroughly evolutionized.
A researcher for a production company that will be producing a PBS documentary series on evolution—and favorable to it—visited Ken Ham of AiG this week.
;Darwinism can be used to back up two mad moralities, but it cannot be used to back up a single sane one.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection needs to be placed in the context of the history of intellectual thought preceding and contemporary with Darwin.
One of the dominant themes of our time is the heroic struggle of the forces of science and reason against the backwardness of ignorance and superstition.
In recent months several commentators outside mainstream creationist circles have referred to zealous evolutionary scientists as ‘fundamentalists’. The label is more appropriate than it may seem.
To those who still dogmatically advocate that all this new reality is the result of pure chance one can only reply, like Alice, incredulous in the face of the contradictory logic of the Red Queen…
Pepsi-Cola bungled its first attempt to launch its soft drink in Israel in May when its evolution-based ads sparked hostile reactions from creationist rabbis.
English literature of the 19th Century is often a stark portrayal of the influence of the newly emerging evolutionary theory.
We cannot fail to notice the extent to which contemporary ideas, be they political, scientific, or sociological, color the sorts of subjects and themes of the contemporary writers.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.