Steven Stembridge

Steven Stembridge

Music Educator, Answers Academy

Steven Stembridge is an educator and musician who is passionate about mentoring and discipling students to inwardly have and outwardly live a truly biblical worldview. He began his teaching career as a band director and piano instructor after receiving his BS and MS in music education from Pensacola Christian College. He has worked in Christian education for over 15 years in various roles including teacher, coach, and assistant principal. Steven and his wife, Chyanna, enjoy making life adventurous with their four children: Seth, Arianna, Anastasia, and Arthur.

Before joining the faculty of Answers Academy in 2024, Steven served as Fine Arts Coordinator for the Missouri and Iowa Christian School state associations, as Vice President of the Missouri Association of Christian Schools, and as a summit coordinator for the Mid-America Association of Christian Schools Student Leadership Conferences. Through these service opportunities, Steven collaborated with many school leaders and student leadership groups. It is his strong desire to encourage Christian school administrators and student leaders to be intentional about cultivating healthy school cultures that promote Christian discipleship and enable academic excellence.


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