Stephen Goodenow

Stephen Goodenow

Secondary Science Educator, Answers Academy

Stephen Goodenow graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a BS in physics education. He spent eight years in Taiwan teaching English, marriage and family, and science. He then taught for 24 years at Salem Wesleyan Academy in Salem, Ohio. During those years, he taught Bible, science, and math. He was principal for six of those years. He also taught at Allegheny Wesleyan College, teaching courses in science, math, apologetics, philosophy, and missions. He completed his MS in astrogeophysics from the Institute for Creation Research Graduate School and a graduate cognate in philosophy from Wesley Biblical Seminary.

He has spoken about creation science in chapels, church services, weekend meetings, and Sunday school for 33 years. He has taught a class on creation science at Allegheny Wesleyan College since 2002. His wife, Debra, is an elementary school teacher. They have taught together for many years and are excited by the opportunity to teach at Answers Academy. He has two children. His son is an airplane mechanic, and his daughter is working in a ministry coffee shop.


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