Martha Miller

Martha Miller

Art and Spanish Instructor, Answers Academy

While only in her third year with Answers Academy, Martha Miller has encouraged elementary and junior high students to build skills in both art and Spanish for over 19 years. During that time, she has sought to develop a collaborative relationship with classroom teachers, particularly in the areas of history and mathematics, to reinforce student learning in areas that cross from one discipline to another. An accomplished artist, Martha’s educational background includes a BFA in painting and a BA in Spanish from Louisiana Tech University, an MA in art history from the University of Georgia, and an MA in education from Georgetown College. She treasures time spent with her husband of 40 years, Tom, and longs to make more time for her hobby of painting in oils. Martha currently serves in the hospitality and preschool ministries of her church and finds great joy in sharing biblical foundations for art, art history, and Spanish with her students.


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