Noah’s Ark is an amazing object God designed to save Noah and his family from the Flood, but today we have an infinitely greater Ark—the Lord Jesus Christ!
Burdened by the rampant disregard for God’s Word, two young men collaborated to write a book called simply The Genesis Flood.
How can we help people believe that the Bible is true? It is by sharing with others the matchless character of the God who ultimately wrote the Bible.
Dr. John Whitcomb, speaking at the upcoming Answers for Pastors conference, discusses the importance of a global Flood to a proper understanding of Genesis.
God could not have been more clear in Genesis—this was a unique global catastrophic Flood, an act of divine judgment against a sinful world.
We can easily be seduced by false ideas masquerading as truth.
PDF DownloadAdapted from a talk given at the Creation Mega Conference in July 2005, Dr. John Whitcomb, Jr. discusses the history and impact of The Genesis Flood.
In the first of two articles that are adapted from a talk given at the Creation Mega Conference in July 2005, Dr. John Whitcomb, Jr. discusses the history and impact of "The Genesis Flood"
God’s judgment of the Tower of Babel was one of the greatest catastrophes in the history of the world. In one moment, a massive, highly complex building project, involving the entire human race, came
It was my experience as a new Christian on a university campus to begin my study of the relationship between God’s Word, the Bible, and modern scientific concepts.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.