Garner Holt

Garner Holt

Founder and President of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.

Garner Holt is the founder and president of Garner Holt Productions, Inc. (GHP). Garner started GHP at 16 years old in his parents’ garage. GHP is now the largest creator of animatronics and other elements for theme parks, attractions, museums, and more—all from its 120,000 sq-ft California headquarters. Around the globe, GHP’s work is in nearly 5,000 animatronic figures created for Disney, Universal, Warner Bros., Lockheed-Martin, Salesforce, Nike, Mattel, and dozens more. Garner is the world’s leading authority on animatronics and won the 2015 Thea Award for a Lifetime of Achievements from the TEA, among more than two dozen other Theas.


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