Corey East is an Education Specialist with Answers in Genesis (AiG) and uses this position to share her passion for archaeology and how it confirms the Bible. Her passion started when her father served in the military, and she and her family moved across Europe and were stationed in Germany as well as the Azores (Portuguese islands) to name a couple. Her journey began with her passion for biblical languages when she took Hebrew through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Greek through Bryan College. To fine-tune her communication skills, she completed her BA in liberal arts with a focus in classical studies through Bryan College in Dayton, TN.
After graduating with her BA, she began working at the Creation Museum while waiting for God to provide an opportunity to dig deeper into her passion for archaeology. During this time of waiting, she took courses in Hebrew to better equip herself when studying Scripture. She has been dedicated to the study of the Hebrew language for seven years now and still finds joy in the journey.
Corey was offered a great opportunity to work toward an MA in archaeology and the ancient Near East from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She moved to Israel where she completed her MA in Jerusalem. After completing her degree she returned to the states and AiG to share her new knowledge and passion with others. She has worked with multiple archaeological projects such as the Temple Sifting Project, the 2023 winter dig at Tell Beit Mirsim, and the 2023 summer dig season at Tel Abel Beth Maacah.
When she is not furthering her education or speaking for AiG, Corey can be found experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, delving deeper into the Bible, exploring God’s creation, and working out. Whether studying modern Hebrew and its culture to help AiG further their ministry or walking guests through the beautiful displays at the Creation Museum, she seeks to find ways to help others see God’s light and his love.
National Geographic Misses the Real Treasures in the Lost Treasures of the Bible Series
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.