In these words of Jesus we find He teaches that Adam and Eve were created in 'the beginning of the creation'-not billions of years after the beginning!
This article is a discussion of a new theory concerning the 6 days of creation and how they could be where God revealed facts about his creation but did not necessarily create.
The word ‘replenish’ cannot be used to support ideas about a previous creation, which was destroyed. This article explains why.
Some of the bitterest attacks on creation science come not from declared atheists or even deists1, but from theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists.
Creation scientists often urge evangelists to approach modern Western people with the creation/evolution issue as a pre-evangelistic tool.
Many years ago a biblical scholar named Scofield produced a Bible with notes for Christians. He was probably the most influential of those scholars who tried to reconcile evolution and creation.
Languages like English, with only a few changes in the endings, are said to have a simple grammar, but can be very complicated in the way use is made of small words like ‘the’ and ‘of’.
I believe in God … And what else? The Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth? If you’re an Anglican or Roman Catholic, you’re likely to say you believe you have a Creator.
I now want to look at the most important aspect of Creation; Who is the Creator? How does the Hebrew language of Genesis describe Him?
Poets sometimes talk about “waters,” and indeed the Hebrew poet, David, in the Bible speaks about the “still waters.”
The first verse of Genesis is of great significance to anyone concerned with the origin of the world, particularly the scientist.
Most popular presentations of or claims about evolution, including those by many scientists, discuss evolution using personified language.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.