Brannon Hollingsworth is the COO/CCO of Brainy Pixel Productions, a Christian animation and production company responsible for the creation and production of brands such as Cubekins, Molly’s Memory Verse, Lily’s Lab, Righteous Warriors, Blissview, The PicTrain, Chronicles of Faith, and many more. He’s been blessed to work with amazing Christian ministries and organizations such as Answers in Genesis, Angel Studios, Museum of the Bible, Got Questions, Focus on the Family, Covenant Eyes, The Academy of Arts, Creator Films, All Things Possible Ministries, TruPlay, Yippee TV, Union Gospel Press, and others. Brannon is a Christ-centered creator who strives to use his gifts, skills, talents, and abilities for God’s glory. His main purpose is to make disciples regardless of his role, whether he writes, produces, directs, or highlights other Christian creatives and their work.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.