In a biblical worldview, we don’t expect alien life to exist. The Bible tells us Earth was formed to be inhabited and the other celestial bodies were created for signs, seasons, days, and years. It was to Earth that Jesus came to save us, not to another planet to save another race of beings.
Many have been taught that life arose on this planet spontaneously and evolved into complex organisms. If it happened here, they believe, surely it could happen elsewhere in the universe. Some believe that these space beings (aliens) hold the key to health and eternal life.
Evidence of water is almost always interpreted with enthusiasm by those who believe that a little water, the right organic compounds, and an awful lot of time are together sufficient for life to appear. The journal Astrobiology reminds scientists that the presence of water, even if it’s in liquid form, isn’t enough for life to survive.
Many Christians have bought into the idea of extraterrestrial alien life. But is this idea really biblical? The Christian should constantly examine ideas in light of Scripture.
“Starchild” is the name given to a misshapen skull claimed by some to be an alien-human hybrid. However, the skull abnormalities, while not fitting any particular “named” syndrome, are all consistent with the sorts of abnormalities seen in human children with genetic problems.
According to a recent article, AI and dolphins (yes, dolphins!) may be the best way to communicate with an alien.
Among the innumerable galaxies of our universe are various planets, some similar in shape and size to Earth. Could some of these distant planets harbor life?
ET isn’t a mystery if you’re willing to examine the data from 60 years of research and take it to its logical conclusion.
It’s a wet solar system. Is it also dripping with life?
Is there intelligent life in outer space?
Some report communication with aliens and some even claim to have been taken aboard spaceships. What are we to make of claims of alien abductions?
Many Christians have bought into the idea of extraterrestrial alien life. But is this idea really biblical?
Is there life out there? Science doesn’t have the answer, but the Bible does.
The thought that aliens might be living on other planets may sound innocent enough. But lurking underneath are some deep theological dangers.
Both the X-rays and simple visual examination of Ata, however, are consistent with a miscarried human baby.
DNA confirms tiny body from Atacama Desert belonged to a human.
In response to a question on Ken Ham’s Facebook page, we decided to review the history and claims regarding Starchild, the misshapen skull claimed by some to be an alien-human hybrid.
Why do we even bother seeking out alien life?
Did E. T. sin, and, if so, did Jesus die to save him/it?
A few weeks ago we reported that the continued search for habitable extrasolar planets has revealed how special Earth is. So if aliens aren’t on planets orbiting other stars, where else could they be?
The UK’s Daily Mail now reports that another Vatican astronomer also says he would be happy to baptize an alien.
So what if we can’t find alien life in our own universe? Maybe aliens exist in the next universe over.
Last week we reported on hot news that “alien” life had been discovered—albeit aliens from earth. But since then the widely reported research has come under attack.
Is the evidence for extraterrestrial life “mounting daily”? It’s the first we’ve heard of it!
We reported in February and October 2009 on the quest to find “aliens” on earth. This week’s news? They’ve found them.
Searching the heavens for water as a proxy for life has been astrobiologists’ pastime for years now. But what if—evolutionary beliefs aside—water is even less likely to support life than was believed?
There’s no evidence that aliens even exist—so why is famous physicist Stephen Hawking so worried we’ll talk to them?
Would Christianity “survive” the discovery of alien life-forms? Does such a question even make sense?
Despite the ongoing lack of evidence for extraterrestrial life, one cofounder of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is far from giving up.
For the Vatican, the question of whether “sentient life forms exist on other worlds” has yet to be answered
Scientists have found [indirect evidence of liquid water, which can be spun through evolutionary interpretations as indirect evidence of] life on one of Saturn’s moons!
Never mind looking for “aliens” out in space; what if they’re living here among us?
The Creator of the universe has already communicated with us, yet a U.S. agency is using your tax dollars to teach students how to communicate with aliens!
Alien life may exist, says Father Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory and labeled by the BBC as “the Pope’s chief astronomer.”
Vatican astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes recently claimed that there could be alien intelligences in space. What does the Bible say?
Speaking at George Washington University this week in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of NASA, Stephen Hawking discussed whether extraterrestrial life exists and, if so, why we haven’t found it, speculating on three answers to that elusive question.
A new telescope system, designed to detect intelligent life in space, came to life last year near San Francisco.
The indication of the presence of an amino acid “precursor” in a distant galaxy is the latest “evidence” that life can spring up wherever.
Some attribute the decline of NASA to the change in leadership in the early 1970s when NASA began to pursue evolutionary ideas.
Science fiction author Ben Bova offers a few explanations for why our search for extraterrestrial life (which is growing more robust with time) has turned up nothing so far.
A new telescope array designed in part to spot alien life got to work this week near San Francisco, California.
NASA scientists’ recent assert that Saturn’s moon Hyperion is home to “cup-like craters filled with hydrocarbons that may indicate more widespread presence in our solar system of basic chemicals necessary for life.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.