The God of the Bible is not merely one of a plethora of gods from which we may pick and choose to worship nor is He to be put on par with other supposed deities. He is the omnipotent Creator and Redeemer of mankind.
The Creator has revealed Himself in both science and history, and the two subjects are intertwined. It is just as wrong to leave God out of the study of bacteria and volcanoes as it is to leave Him out of the rise and fall of nations or the extinction of dinosaurs. God made everything and He sustains everything.
God the Father, in the power of God the Holy Spirit and through the agency of God the Son Jesus Christ, created everything that exists. The doctrine of the Trinity is not derived from pagan beliefs but was developed from the plain teaching of Scripture. God is one Being in three Persons.
The Bible reveals God as the Creator of the universe who carefully fashioned mankind in His very own image.
Skeptics often claim that the God of the Bible is a cruel, vindictive God, but the Bible paints a different picture—God is a good and loving God.
Is Jesus truly God? There are many cults and religions today that deny His deity. What is the truth about Jesus Christ? We turn to the Scriptures for answers.
Three Persons yet one essence—the doctrine of the Trinity may be difficult to understand, but it is an essential, non-negotiable doctrine.
Many churches now place a heavy emphasis on praise and worship music in their services. It’s important to make sure our priorities line up.
One reason people give for rejecting a young universe is that they think it somehow limits God. After all, what was He doing all that time before creation?
Why is this question asked? While it is likely raised because postmodernism demands that all roads lead to God, it still has some validity because of a man we meet in the book of Genesis: Abraham.
Thanksgiving Day provides an opportunity to thank God for his goodness and his steadfast love. Throughout history, God is praised by thankful people.
If mathematics is already thought out and constructed by someone, it is logical that there would be no contradictions.
Genesis 8:1 teaches an important truth in the Flood account: God’s attention was focused on Noah and those with him on the Ark.
The clear, biblical answer is yes. Nothing that is possible according to God’s character and purpose is impossible for Him.
Download biblical authority discussion questions.
Jesus reveals God to us as our Father in heaven who is absolutely perfect, and the angels proclaim, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty.”
April Fools’ Day is here, and the time seems right to briefly explore the subject of foolery and lies, examining what the Bible has to say about deception.
What is the ultimate, unshakable source of the Bible’s authority?
In God’s Word, we can read of a number of signs (or reminders) that help us never forget the truths of the Bible.
How can we help people believe that the Bible is true? It is by sharing with others the matchless character of the God who ultimately wrote the Bible.
A supportive pastor asks us why we teach that God’s ways are understandable to humans. But understanding God’s ways is impossible for finite minds.
A reader wants to know why there are some things an omnipotent God cannot do. Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., responds.
If God never changes, then how can He change His mind?
One of the many criticisms leveled at biblical creationists is “if we teach about your God, why not teach about the many other gods in the world?”
PDF DownloadDoes the fact that God is rational and consistent necessitate that present processes are the key to understanding the past?
The Story of God—a review of part one of the new BBC–TV series on the evolution of religion
From Charlie Rosenberg, Washington DC, USA
Last year, a national newspaper in Australia (The Weekend Australian) ran a series of editorials/letters/interviews concerning God, Christianity, the church, and religion.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.