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Glass House

Shattering the Myth of Evolution

Edited by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge
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  • Format: epub, pdf
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 320 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2019
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-345
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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Twenty-seven questions with answers that refute the classic arguments for evolution/millions of years taught in public schools and colleges.


Is Evolution a Theory?

Glass House clearly defends against the onslaught of evolution while exposing the fallacies and weaknesses that evolutionists don’t want you to know. Stand in confidence as a believer as you learn to counter the glass house deceptions.

Evolution as an idea is considered a rock-solid truth among secular scientists, but when you begin looking at the evidence and asking simple questions, you find their conclusions to be just fragile assumptions, unproven myth, and outright misconceptions – like a glass house built on shifting sands.

  • Discover the pervasive influences of the atheistic religion of Darwinian evolution
  • Learn what science is and how science is actually devastating to evolution
  • Explore how evolution developed from unproven science to a popular and cultural worldview

Now a powerful team of credentialed scientists, researchers, and Biblical apologists take on the pillars of evolution, and the truths they reveal decimate Darwin’s beliefs using a Biblical and logical approach to evidence.

Evolutionists try to convince others that their evolutionary world is built on solid foundations, while they distract us from the fact that their house is only made of glass… and the glass is breaking.

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To shatter the myth of evolution, one must first understand the structure of which it is made. Glass House does an incredible job of breaking down the evolutionary model and sharing how to not only combat the stones being thrown against the Biblical model, but how to shatter the very foundations of the evolutionary home our culture has built and is currently residing in.

—Ray Comfort, CEO/Founder, Living Waters

Countless kids have wandered away from the faith courtesy of Charles Darwin. It is high time we put an end to his reign of terror and start exposing the far out fallacies of Darwinian evolution. Keep your kids safe. Have them read this book.

—Todd Friel, Host of "Wretched Radio"

Glass House is written by scientists and scholars who don’t avoid the hard questions. This book is amazingly comprehensive, easy to understand and overwhelmingly convincing. The time for being timid about our beliefs is over. The evidence is in, and Darwinism is on the retreat, not Biblical Christianity.

—Israel Wayne, Author, Speaker, Site Editor for ChristianWorldview.net

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