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Long Foretold: A Christmas Play

The Journey of the Magi

Written by Lindsay Finley, Bodie Hodge, and Renee Hodge; Produced by Answers Academy
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  • Format: PDF
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 36 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2021
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-4-219
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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There has probably never been a nativity program quite like this one! Long Foretold is a fun and informative Christmas play, ideal for church and school performances.


... and we start in Genesis. Your church will love it!

People commonly believe Christmas begins with the Savior’s arrival one starry night in Bethlehem. However, the truth is that Christmas was the culmination of a series of miraculous events long foretold.

In this delightful program, many questions are answered as the wise men discover the truth about the bright shining star they are following. Were these kings? How many were there? How did they know to look for the star? Were the wise men at the nativity? And most importantly, what was so special about this baby? To find the answers, we must look at what Scripture teaches . . . and we start in Genesis! Your church will love it!

Generous performance rights and free reproducible actor's script. 45-minute performance.

To learn more about this wonderful program visit AnswersAcademy.org.

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I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for producing and publishing “ long foretold “. .... We didn’t have long to get together but we decided to do it. Your scripts , music even the program pdf were so good. It was important to us to have solid biblical truths, that’s why I choose your play. You made it easy to produce a performance we could not have done. We are only a small congregation but all the youth and kids pulled together and we put the play on last night. It was fantastic. Worth all the nights I spent thinking “what have I done” praying it touched people’s hearts that were there and online and thanking the Lord for you all. May God bless you richly for delivering the truth.


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