The Darwinian Earthquake

by Ken Ham

Originally published in Creation 16, no 4 (September 1994): 30.

In the following review of his book Confirmation Notebook (fifth edition), many will be aghast to see what happens when clergy accept evolution and mythologize Genesis.

People were shocked when they saw the devastation from the earthquakes that hit Los Angeles and San Francisco. However, an earthquake of far greater proportions, with far greater consequences, has hit the nations of the world — The Darwinian Earthquake.

This earthquake has shaken the foundations of Christianity — in our western nations, we see the Christian fabric that once existed in tatters. It may shock many, however, when I state that I personally believe that the church itself has really been one of the root causes of this earthquake — destroying itself by helping to destroy its own foundation.

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
—Psalm 11:3

This sad state of affairs is best summarized by the writings of an Anglican Bishop from the United Kingdom. In the following review of his book Confirmation Notebook (fifth edition), many will be aghast to see what happens when clergy accept evolution and mythologize Genesis.

I was given this book by an Anglican (Episcopalian) during one of my speaking tours. He told me this was used in his church for their confirmation classes. On the back of the book we read this statement:

'Few books can have been more influential in confirmation preparation than Hugh Montefiore's Confirmation Notebook, written while he was vicar of the University Church in Cambridge.'

Quotes from Confirmation Notebook follow (quotes are in italic type):

How does the author view sin?

'The Garden of Eden is a "myth", i.e. a historical tale embodying spiritual truth. From the viewpoint of anthropology it is exceedingly unlikely that there was a First Man and Woman. Yet the "myth" contains great truths...

'Human beings are the result of evolution, and shaped by natural selection. Self-centredness and aggression were essential at every stage of evolution...

'Human beings naturally inherit this self-centredness ('original sin') and without it babies could not survive' (page 20).

So sin is no longer rebellion against God! Where does this view lead to in relation to the message of the Cross?

'What the Cross is Not ... The Son standing in my place to take the punishment that I ought to have. Such a view is immoral. In any case no one person could suffer the whole world's punishments' (page 22).

What about the author's understanding of the resurrection?

' ... These resurrection appearances [of Jesus] are not unlike paranormal experiences sometimes called "veridical hallucinations" which can take place shortly after the death of a loved one ...' (page 24).

How does the author view the New Testament as a whole?

'The New Testament is not infallible, but it is the Church's guide and "norm". Of course it needs reinterpretation in every age, and especially today' (page 18).

Is there a Heaven and Hell then?

'Heaven describes the state of eternal and full response to God's love; hell describes a state of eternal inability to respond to love ... heaven is not a reward to the good, or hell a punishment for the bad. God always acts lovingly and gives us that state of being for which our character has fitted us' (page 41).

WARNING: Any person, family, church, school, college or nation that rejects Genesis, will eventually end up in total unbelief in regard to the Christian Gospel. Sadly, this is where much of the Church is heading, as many church leaders have compromised with evolution in some way, and have taught their congregations to disbelieve the book of beginnings — the foundational book of the Bible on which all Christian doctrine directly or indirectly is based.


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