Book Reviews

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Rock Formation and Clownfish
    March 1, 1996, pp. 29–32

    Learn about rock formation, clownfish, God’s awesome power, and more!

  • Children Kids Article
    Our World (Answers for Kids): Clever Builders
    Sept. 1, 1995, pp. 31–34

    We see many things in the world which have been built by people, and when we see them we may think that whoever designed and built them was very clever. But what about nature's builders?

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Our World (Answers for Kids): The Starfish
    June 1, 1995, pp. 31–34

    It has hundreds of tiny feet which it uses to move along by pumping water through a system of tubes. But the starfish, still alive today, had it right there in the beginning.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Our World (Answers for Kids): Animals in Disguise
    March 1, 1995, pp. 29–32

    Have you ever dressed up and pretended to be someone else, or played 'hide and seek'? Children, of course, do this, but there are also many living things that do this to avoid being attacked or eaten.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Huge Boulder Shows Power of Flood
    March 1, 1995, pp. 50–51

    Gigantic boulder rests beside Forest Road 25, south of Mount St Helens, in the State of Washington. Known as the 'Pine Creek Boulder', it demonstrates the power of moving water and debris.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Moon-Dust Argument No Longer Useful
    Sept. 1, 1993, pp. 22–23

    The moon-dust argument was easy to understand and explain. Nevertheless, it has been found to be an invalid argument for creationists.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Not from the Apes
    June 1, 1993, pp. 13–14

    Many schools proclaim as a matter without any doubt that man has derived from the African apes. However, this is a falsehood which any honest scientist should protest against.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    The Seven C's of History: Consummation
    March 1, 2001, pp. 34–37

    'The Seven C's' of History (Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation) help us remember the big events which have affected, and will affect, the history of the universe

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Heard of Elephants?
    Sept. 1, 1999, pp. 28–32

    It is clear the elephant is perfectly designed to deal with its bulky frame and weight, and its highly specialised trunk is one of the marvels of the animal kingdom.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Strange, but Special!
    Sept. 1, 1998, pp. 34–35

    Find out why the Toucan is so special. The toucan’s bill is a masterpiece of design, and works flawlessly at the jobs for which it is intended.

  • Sept. 1, 1998, pp. 40–42
  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Grasping the Size of the Ark
    Sept. 1, 1998, pp. 47–48
  • Children Kids Article
    The Human Body
    Sept. 1, 1998, pp. 54–55

    The human body has a dynamic framework of bone and cartilage called the skeleton.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    The Acrobatic Damselfly ... a Wonderful Creation of God
    Dec. 1, 1995, pp. 15–16

    The damselfly is an amazing creature, created by our Great Creator God.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Our World (Answers for Kids): Ancient Humans, the Ark, and Frogs
    Dec. 1, 1995, pp. 31–33

    Read about ancient humans, the ark, and frogs in this 'Our World' article for kids.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Micro-organisms and Cicadas
    March 1, 1992, pp. 39–42

    ‘Look. Miss Wright! Look what Rachel’s got!’ An excited class trooped in one Monday morning. ‘Well, sit quietly first,’said Miss Wright. ‘Now, Rachel, what is it?’

  • Children
    A Serious Problem for Homology
    March 1, 1992, pp. 31–32

    The fact is, however, that it has been proved in many cases that homologous structures are not produced by homologous genes!

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Dragonfly Nymphs
    June 1, 1991, pp. 39–42

    Tom and Jenny go to a pond to play. While there, they catch a nymph and they learn a lesson about Jesus' return for His people.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Primroses, Arums, and Noah
    March 1, 1991, pp. 25–28

    Tom and Jenny had gone to the wood behind Mr Field’s house while he inspected his nesting boxes. They were gathering some violets and a few primroses, when Jenny made a discovery.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Wilberforce, Hoatzin, Design, and Snowflakes
    Dec. 1, 1990, pp. 25–28

    Kid's articles include, Wilberforce, a strange bird, the design of animals, and snowflakes.

  • Children Kids Article
    Your Skin
    Dec. 1, 1990, pp. 50–51

    If you think your skin is just a wrapper to hold you together, you’re in for a surprise. That incredible organ is a masterpiece of design from top to bottom!

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Sept. 1, 1990, pp. 25–28

    ‘Bother!’ grumbled Tom on the third wet day of half-term, ‘We can’t go out again! It’s always raining! I don’t know where it all comes from!’

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    Answers For Kids: Dating Methods
    June 1, 2002, pp. 34–37

    It’s important that we allow God’s written record of history, the Bible, to guide our thinking about the past—this includes our understanding of the age of the Earth/universe and the fossils.

  • Children Kids Magazine Article
    When Did the Dinosaurs Live?
    June 1, 2004, pp. 34–35

    One hundred and sixty years seems like a long time. Was that the time when dinosaurs lived?


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