The wild and woolly world of hybrids is setting evolutionary ideas back on their heels.
Zonkeys attest to the variations possible within the “horse kind.”
Scientists in Australia have discovered 57 hybrid black-tip sharks off Australia’s coast. Is this evidence of “evolution in action” or variation within a kind?
If you’re in the forest, beware the menacing grolar bear.
In 2006, on the south end of Banks Island, that a 65-year-old hunter shot and killed the first documented grizzly/polar hybrid (grolar bear) in the wild.
PDF DownloadResearch published in the journal Science details how some female toads violate an “evolutionary rule.” Perhaps no one has told them about it!
Joining the ranks of such hybrid animals as ligers and wholphins, is a new hybrid salamander breed of the California tiger salamander and barred salamanders.
James Owen, in a National Geographic News story, explains how a growing number of “hybrid species” have been observed in the wild.
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