Acquiring skills would be impossible if our brains were “hardwired” at birth. To sort through all the data that our body’s sensors record, the brain has been designed to change. It is three pounds of living, growing cells that constantly form new connections and change old ones.
The Bible reveals that humans were highly intelligent from the beginning. We see this in the invention of musical instruments and metallurgy, and the engineering of Noah’s Ark. It makes sense that Adam, whom God created perfect, would have had as capable a brain as any modern human.
A critical function of the brain is to sort out what we should remember and not remember. God designed our brains so we can focus on the important things and not get lost in insignificant details.
The idea that all disorders are a result of harmful mutations could lead to the idea that all psychological problems are purely caused by physical conditions, ignoring mental—or spiritual—causes. What if evolutionary psychologists claim that “recently evolved” morality is causing depression?
God designed your brain to fill in missing details on the fly . . . with some interesting consequences.
That feeling in the face of the sacred has sent atheists scurrying for generations. Today all are forced to embrace the reality of awe. Neuroscientists can detect its effects in the brain.
Evolutionists trying to explain what causes convolutions to form in a human fetus suggest how the human brain evolved from apelike ancestors.
Your body is run by a tiny gland the size of a pea. How is this possible?
The so-called “culture wars” have spilled into every field of study, not just origins.
When it comes to intelligence, the size of your noggin isn’t a factor.
When you’re drifting off to dreamland, God unwraps one of his greatest presents.
Our failure to remember unimportant details isn’t a sign of senility. It shows our brain is working quite well, sorting out things that matter!
Researchers using neuroimaging technology claim to have found the cause for the conflict between science and religion (evolution and creationism) in the brain.
Zika, spread by mosquitoes, can severely damage unborn babies’ nervous systems and cause them to be born with tiny heads (microcephaly).
Would you rather have a computer or a brain in an emergency? Knock a robot off its legs, and you decide!
U.S. President Barack Obama last year announced the BRAIN Initiative—an ambitious research effort to better understand the human brain.
A recent study indicates that human intelligence may be declining.
Learn about the matchless miracles of the mind in Answers magazine.
Does a designer DNA duplicate or a lucky genetic goof make the human brain do what it does do so well?
Dramatic difference found between human and chimpanzee brains.
Human brains are getting smaller, yet we’re supposedly smarter than our ancestors.
The gene LAMC-3 is essential to the formation of convolutions in the human brain, but how it “evolved to gain [these] novel functions” remains a mystery.
Evolutionists claim that children become less "monkey-like" as they age. Once again, data is interpreted based on worldviews.
Can patients in vegetative states communicate with the outside world?
The brain's marvelous design makes it possible for us to grow and adapt to our changing environment.
Religion? It’s all in your head: New Scientist takes an unmitigated swipe at theism.
Mr. Williams' amazing mind gives us a glimpse into how God may have originally created the human brain.
Scientists at the University College London (UCL) and the University of Melbourne (Australia) may not have counted on such a discovery, but their research suggests humans possess innate numerical skills.
A Christian response to an article regarding evolutionary psychology.
A neuroscience team from North Carolina’s Duke University is reporting results of a brain study on altruistic behavior.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.