In 2010, Answers in Genesis will once again be involved in a substantial evangelistic outreach at an Olympics Games.
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Answers in Genesis has been actively engaged in creation evangelism outreaches at recent Olympic Games. In the photo above, two men pass out gospel materials in downtown Athens at the 2004 Games in Greece (where AiG worked alongside Gospel Literature Services). Last year, AiG produced DVDs in Mandarin Chinese, and copies were distributed through many channels in China right before the Beijing Games. The first Olympic Games outreach by Answers in Genesis was in 2000 in Sydney, Australia.
Photo courtesy of Regular Baptist Press.
In exactly one year, the world’s focus will move off the various economic and political crises of the time and to a spectacular global event—the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia. The world will watch 5,500 athletes from nearly 100 countries arrive in southwestern Canada—and near the U.S. border—to join the 2.1 million people who live in the metropolitan area of this beautiful city. We’ll be there, too, with what we hope will be several hundred “creation evangelists,” February 20–28, 2010.1
Answers in Genesis will once again be involved in a substantial evangelistic outreach at an Olympics Games, just as we were at Sydney (2000), Athens (2004), and, to a lesser extent (because of the closed nature of China), Beijing (2008).
Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, will be at these 2010 Winter Olympics and will speak several times at a specially prepared venue. Christians from the U.S. and Canada will join other believers from around the world at this special outreach.
Ministry volunteers are being recruited to join an effective team to evangelize during these Olympics. Using creation evangelism techniques, the team will distribute gospel booklets and share personal testimonies. For the participants, this could be the evangelism experience of a lifetime.
Ken stated:
God’s Word instructs us to go into the all the world and preach the gospel. There’s no doubt that our northern neighbor, Canada, needs the light of God’s Word, as does every nation. But what an opportunity we have to reach people from nations around the world gathered at one location, so that, indeed, God’s Word can be spread worldwide. Please pray for this upcoming event, and pray whether God is leading you to be a part of this evangelistic outreach.
Answers WorldWide, the international arm of Answers in Genesis, has already rented a large Christian camp to house our team. In addition, gospel literature is being prepared in 15 languages. By the way, our teams at the Games in Athens saw over 250 people make first-time professions of faith.
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.