According to reports, a four-lane highway is being built through a protected portion of the Amazon Rainforest and wetlands to accommodate the COP30 climate summit visitors.
A new study quantifying sulfur emissions from plankton found these emissions contribute to climate change much more than previously thought.
What will the weather be like in the year 2070? Well, apparently we can know that, according to an Australian-produced app called My Climate View.
The media is constantly abuzz with dire news about global warming and climate change. What does biblical history add to the discussion?
Electric cars are parked at the center of a charged debate. How can you know when and whether to buy in?
How should Christians respond to climate change alarmists who claim the earth is on the brink of disaster?
In reality, only a small sampling of climate scientists believes we are facing imminent doom. So why all the insistence on anxiety and panic?
Fear of environmental catastrophe grows out of the lack of the fear of God. That is the real root of the environmental scares that have plagued the modern world.
Are temperature changes a serious threat to our way of life?
We cannot understand the climate change issue unless we ground our perspective in God’s Word.
The Atlantic recently described the initial popularity of so-called secular churches, used as a replacement for the community found in churches. Does it work?
Christians should be alarmed about the coming climate change and its destruction.
Hurricanes, like Harvey and Irma, are not evidence of global warming, but their effects are exaggerated by alarmists.
Remnants of a cypress forest were recently discovered off Alabama’s coast. What climate changes could explain such a massive rise in ocean level?
Almost all of the climate models predict a significant increase in the global temperature in the future and include the possibility of a dramatic increase.
Temperatures are rising on the global warming issue, and it’s more than just hot air.
But why are some scientists certain that climate change is so dangerous?
Both the Ice Age and the many millions of woolly mammoths buried in Siberian permafrost have been major mysteries for about years despite numerous theories.
The globe is warming, and many blame humans for causing it, but today’s temperature is not unprecedented. How should Christians respond to climate change?
Climate change is real—but what should we do about it? Trusting in man’s word or God’s Word will determine how we interpret the evidence and fix our response.
Global warming is big news. Should we be worried?
The United Nations has spoken, declaring that it’s our fault. Global warming, that is.
Some proponents of catastrophic global warming are finally admitting that the actual global temperature is not rising as fast as their models predict.
Climate change predictions in the news have been proven to be inaccurate.
A few years back BBC television viewers could enjoy both David Attenborough and David Bellamy bringing wildlife and plants into their homes.
The global warming debate would not be so heated if it were simply a question of science. It’s no surprise that science gets drowned out by politics.
Scientifically literate people can disagree about the causes and cures of climate change, study finds.
The Bible is the foundation for understanding every challenge facing us. Global warming is no exception.
Eugenie Scott offers her services to squelch even more academic freedom.
The editor of the scientific journal Remote Sensing recently stepped down. His crime? Publishing a paper that raises questions about anthropogenic global warming.
The global warming gospel or the green dragon?
Based on typical news reports, you would assume that the cause of global warming is obvious—coal and burning gasoline. But we should look closer at a more obvious source of fluctuation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.