Scripture plainly teaches that salvation is conditioned upon faith in Christ, with no requirement for what one believes about the age of the earth or universe. Even though it is not a salvation issue, the belief that earth history spans millions of years has very severe consequences.
Ken Ham has a ready response to someone who labels him: “When someone says to me, ‘Oh, so you’re one of those fundamentalist, young-Earth creationists,’ I reply, ‘Actually, I’m a revelationist, no-death-before-Adam redemptionist!’” In order to uphold the gospel, our starting point must be Scripture.
According to Paul, the ones causing division are those who deny the doctrines clearly taught in Scripture. The divisive ones are those who mix the Bible with secular views and refuse to heed the call to return to the clear teachings in the Bible.
Matt Walsh has since responded to this post. We will be responding to his video on Answers News November 19, 2018, starting at 2 p.m. (ET)
While the young-earth view is clear from Scripture, we must be careful about labeling ourselves as young-earth creationists.
What is the most compelling scientific evidence of a young earth? Many new materials have been produced by young-earth creationists to help answer the question.
Youth can be an asset in witnessing.
Does it really matter how old the earth is, especially in light of the church’s need to share the gospel?
Jeremy Ham responds to a skeptic’s charge that we contribute “to the ignorance of humanity.”
Welcome to the trial of the century, or better, the trial of the last three centuries.
Does young earth creationism have a tendency to become a source of division among believers? Mark Looy, AiG–U.S., responds to this important question.
There is a great amount of controversy in the church today regarding evolution and the age of the earth. Many competing views attract the attention of Christians producing great confusion and leading
PDF DownloadPeople around the world celebrated a recent, literal creation this week.
A recent poll revealed that 26% of Canadians believe God created humans within the last 10,000 years.
A reader accuses AiG of promoting a childish belief in a young earth that gives Christians a bad name.
The New York Times examines the noteworthy case of a young-earth creationist being awarded a PhD in geosciences from the University of Rhode Island.
Just recently, Montana governor Brian Schweitzer criticized all young-earth creationists in a public gathering in Gallatin Gateway, Montana, four miles south of my house.
Creation and evolution are equally scientific and religious. The controversy is not religion versus science, but the science of one religion versus the science of another religion.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.