Media at the Museum

by Ken Ham on February 26, 2008

For three hours on Monday, KKMS radio out of the Minneapolis area did a live broadcast remote right here at our Creation Museum. This Christian station also brought a busload of its listeners to tour the museum—that’s about a 12-hour ride! They were very impressed with (and excited about) the museum, and Dr. David Menton’s lecture at the museum drew some rave comments.


From left to right in the photo: Jeff Shell and Lee Michaels of KKMS are seen interviewing Dr. Georgia Purdom of our staff. Dr. Jason Lisle, Mark Looy, and I were also interviewed (I spent from 6–7 p.m. with them live from our AiG studio—and then spent time getting photographs taken and doing autographs with the group).

Earlier that day, I did a one-hour radio interview for the nationally syndicated program “Janet Parshall’s America,” and a half-hour, live interview with Bob Dukto from Detroit (WMUZ). I also wrote a letter to the editor of a Georgia newspaper to rebut a letter to the editor that appeared last week which slammed us and the AiG conference that was coming to the area. (For example, the letter-writer falsely claimed that we are trying to ban evolution teaching in schools!)

Yes, our media contacts continue without much interruption. Later today (Tuesday), a film crew from Hong Kong will be interviewing me and filming the museum, and later in the week, another film crew will be on-site (from a major Catholic university!).


The temperature two weeks ago in Thailand was 94 degrees. Dr. David R. Crandall of Answers WorldWide was in Thailand ministering. Today (Tuesday) at the AiG staff meeting, Dr. Crandall reported on his visit. While in Thailand, everyone back home at AiG was freezing; however, he was trying to stay cool. During one of those hot days he received an unsolicited phone call that greatly warmed his soul and heart. It was a call from a heart surgeon who told him that he had heard of Answers in Genesis through the AiG website. He was requesting a dinner appointment (see photograph) with him (between his heart surgeries).


Dr. Crandall (AiG's Worldwide Director) reports:

During our meeting, I discovered much to my surprise that this doctor is considered the leading heart surgeon in all of Thailand. I was also thrilled to find out that he is the personal heart doctor for Queen Stirikit of Thailand. His love and devotion for her Majesty the Queen was self evident.

Dr. Pakorn Chandanamatta told me that he became a Christian seven years ago. After becoming a Christian, he did careful research on science and biblical creationism and by his own admission has ‘become an avid creationist.’ Dr. Chandanamatta watched with absolute delight as I showed him a PowerPoint presentation of the Creation Museum. His immediate response was, ‘I must see the Creation Museum.’ He, his wife, and two little boys are now planning a trip to the USA just to see the museum. When he comes to the museum, he will be our honored guest.

I presented him the AiG New Answers Book, and he immediately began to read it and declared that he would finish it after his next surgery. He opened his computer to show me his PowerPoint presentation on creationism and biblical authority, and I was thrilled to read the title page:

Answers in Genesis In Search of Adam and Eve Dr. Pakorn Chandanamatta

The rest of the title page was Scripture written in the Thai language.

Dr. Crandall stated, “Dr. Chandanamatta will be a key player in bringing the creation/biblical authority message to the wonderful country of Thailand.”

The Lie—Evolution book has recently been translated into Thai, and Dr. Crandall preached at the dedication of this first-ever AiG book in that language. Dr. Crandall stated: “This divine appointment with the doctor certainly speaks of the vast world-wide impact that Answers in Genesis is having globally.”

Life certainly gets busy at AiG—there is so much we can report to you on a daily basis.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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