Seeds of Life Found on most Planets Upon Formation

on December 6, 2008

ScienceNOW: “Most Planets May Be Seeded With Life” Are the seeds of life commonly planted when a planet is formed?

Scientists reporting in the journal Astro-ph have detected a simple sugar known as glycolaldehyde in a dusty region of space known as G31.41+0.31 (secular astronomers believe stars are forming there, though this has not been observed). The region, which is some 26,000 light-years from earth, was examined using France’s IRAM radio dish array. ScienceNOW reports that glycolaldehyde “can apparently form in a simple reaction between carbon monoxide molecules and dust grains” (and it’s been found in space before, a press release notes).

This may mean glycolaldehyde is “common throughout star-forming regions.”

According to one of the researchers, University College London astrophysicist Serena Viti, this may mean glycolaldehyde is “common throughout star-forming regions.” And what could that imply? That “wherever there is starmaking and planet formation going on, organic building blocks could be assembling as well,” notes ScienceNOW’s Phil Berardelli. And according to the study, glycolaldehyde “can react with propenal to form ribose, a central constituent of RNA.”

Of course, media coverage gives the false impression that it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to the sort of complex genetic code even simple forms of life require. The element that goes unreported—and, it would seem, unnoticed in the minds of these astronomers—is that having a piece of a component of a code is not the same as having a legitimate code, nor does it explain where the code would have come from. Spilling ink on a piece of paper doesn’t spell out sensical sentences!

Additionally, we would note that when it comes down to it, even subatomic particles could be considered “building blocks of life.” So finding substances labeled “building blocks of life” merely begs the question, since one must presuppose that building blocks could self-assemble for such a discovery to be meaningful. Actually, we should be asking secular astronomers, “Is this the best you could find?”

Furthermore, no matter what quasi-organic substances astronomers find in space, none of them can preclude the accuracy of the Genesis account. At most, they can only keep evolutionists’ faith alive that maybe, just maybe, those simple sugars underwent the necessary reactions to form ribose, then somehow self-organized with other components into a code that magically interpreted and built itself into a self-replicating life-form.

In other astronomical news, scientists have observed more indications of liquid water on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, reports National Geographic News. And anytime indications of water are found in space, quotes like this one—from NASA’s Candice Hansen—are never far behind:

“We cannot say whether there is life or not. But if we can conclude that there is liquid water, then we can say at least the ingredients are there.”

Evolutionists seem to believe that observing the ingredients of life is evidence that those ingredients could self-organize. Taking this logic into the kitchen, couldn’t we say that since we observe flour, sugar, eggs, and the like, cakes are able to mix and bake themselves?

Remember, if you see a news story that might merit some attention, let us know about it! (Note: if the story originates from the Associated Press, Fox News, MSNBC, the New York Times, or another major national media outlet, we will most likely have already heard about it.) And thanks to all of our readers who have submitted great news tips to us.

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