The Bible clearly distinguishes between man and beast—something evolution does not do.
Evolution: Man is supposed to have descended directly from the animal kingdom by means of the same processes involving the same evolutionary factors which caused animals to evolve. For this reason, the differences between man and beast are not regarded as fundamental, but as a difference in degree only. Man has only developed to a higher level. Carsten Bresch describes this view in his definition of evolution [B7, p. 10]: “Evolution is defined as the development of all things in all spheres of our world—including the descent of man from apelike ancestors.” The so-called proofs for evolution based on homologies emphasize the idea of descent from common ancestors.
Scientific Objections: Even on the purely biological plane there is a wide, unbridgeable chasm between man and beast, as illustrated by the following four considerations:
The Bible: The Bible clearly distinguishes between man and beast:
The Lord God formed[Hebrew yatsar]
the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Gen. 2:7). In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word yatsar is used to describe the actions of a potter who skillfully and imaginatively forms his vessels. In the same way, God used earthly matter for Adam’s physical parts.
a little lower than the heavenly beings.” Human beings possess gifts such as freely developing personalities, inventiveness, and the capacity for cultural development (writing, music, historical awareness).
All flesh is not the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another” (1 Cor. 15:39). This finding has consequences for molecular biology: Proteins comprise the major part of the body. The human body contains approximately fifty thousand different kinds of proteins, each fulfilling its own specific functions. They have different amino acid sequences. All organisms have certain amino acids in the same positions in the polypeptide chain, and they serve to establish and preserve the characteristic functions of the specific protein. In contrast to this precise positioning, there are other positions where the amino acids clearly differ from one kind to the other.
Per theistic evolution, God started the process of evolution and guided it over millions of years. This content analyzes and rejects the assumptions and results of the doctrine of theistic evolution.
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