Over the last thirty years, Tom Vail has safely carried several thousand people over more than 55,000 miles of river and rapids, but his spiritual journey has taken him much further than that.
Mike Riddle once trained Marines, but now he trains Christians to defend their faith.
With online computer games for kids, what do you expect? Fun characters, adventure, perhaps a dose of “edutainment” . . . and a biblical worldview?
Answers magazine recently interviewed Tim Chaffey, a former teacher and co-author of the new fiction series The Truth Chronicles.
From his experience as a teacher and pastor, Tim Chaffey has provided these tips for reaching young people with the gospel.
How can we construct safer buildings? How can we clean up emissions from power plants? Increasingly, engineers are turning to God’s original designs in nature to solve difficult engineering problems. What a testimony to our wise and caring Creator! Also, learn how God is using Amish believers in the USA to help build a new full-size Ark. Plus, discover what the Bible says about those mysterious giants, the Nephilim.
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