Did Mars once contain vast oceans? Some creationists now think so.
The American higher education system used to be the envy of nations around the world, but in several profound ways, it is not making the grade.
If you’ve been blessed by the AiG ministry and want to see the truth continue to impact our culture, consider making a bequest to AiG in your will or trust.
Barefoot college professors? Only something very unusual could explain these strange goings on—the wonders of foot design.
The day after AiG opened the Ark Encounter to the public, Bill Nye, who debated me at the Creation Museum in 2014, spent a couple of hours with me.
It’s easy to see why dogs are a hunter’s best friend. But sailors? Go topside to examine a swabbie’s shoe, and you’ll find your answer.
The exhibits at the Ark Encounter show how Noah and his family could have done what seems impossible at first glance.
By using a charitable lead trust, you could accomplish your goals of helping both your family and the Answers in Genesis mission during your lifetime.
The Uniting Church’s magazine, Journey, featured an article about me and the life-size Ark that opened July 7 this year.
Barna reports that “more than two-thirds of skeptics have attended Christian churches in the past—most for an extended period of time.”
The gospel is not something God hid until Jesus came in the flesh. After Adam’s Fall, God shared the seeds of a plan He had already worked out.
As thousands of visitors have toured the Ark Encounter theme park and have walked through the three decks of remarkable exhibits, many are lost for words.
As part of this effort, our planned giving service works to help our supporters become better stewards of all that God has entrusted to them.
Noah’s Ark has been a popular subject for artists throughout the centuries. However, it is not easy to adequately depict this vessel.
Of particular concern is question 19 on the Australian census form, which is the only optional question and is the religious identity question.
“The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12).
PDF DownloadThe family of giant silk moths, or Saturniidae, includes the largest—and arguably most beautiful—moths in the world.
All of these data together lead to testable scientific predictions that put the evolutionary and old-earth creation models to shame.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.