Our ability to communicate and understand, feel emotions, and think rationally shows that we are created for a purpose—to have a relationship with God.
Eve found hope in the same promised Seed that we all look to.
Try standing barefoot on a pile of snow and see how long you last. Ducks do it all the time and aren’t bothered. How is this possible?
February 4, 2017 marks three years since the widely publicized Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate here at the Creation Museum.
Our knowledge of the ancient Near East has grown since the discovery of troves of documents and artifacts. Do they have any value in interpreting the Bible?
Biophysicists, observing the fascinating properties of liquid droplets, propose that liquid droplet physics could explain how life began.
Polls show that the twentysomethings sitting next to you in the pews may not embrace your faith. What happened to them?
This amazing organ quietly serves several invaluable roles in our blood system, keeping our bodies healthy.
As one of history’s oldest surviving global religions, Buddhism is one of the fastest growing faiths, and currently boasts almost half a billion adherents.
Over the years I’ve heard parents in America and Australia tell me that their kids were being taught evolution at younger and younger ages.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.