The giant panda’s adaptations for its specialized herbivorous diet may have fit it for its environment through the ordinary processes of natural selection.
On the sixth creation day God determined what man and beast should eat.
Giant panda is big on bamboo but doesn’t get much bang for the bite.
The location of a snake found “frozen in time” reveals a component of its diet: newly hatched dinosaurs.
Most ants are carnivorous, yet some are herbivorous. But how do the herbivorous species get the nutrients they need?
A lion that wouldn’t eat meat? What does this tell us about the pre-Fall world?
One must, in humble obedience, simply believe God at His word. God, through His Word, clearly shows that the original, created creatures were to eat only plants.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.