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Evolution: The Grand Experiment 1&2 Pack

Written by Dr. Carl Werner
List Price: $111.96
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc.
  • Published: 2011
  • ID: 1000418
  • SKU: 40-1-379
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Includes the new Living Fossils: The Grand Experiment 2 DVD and book, plus Evolution: The Grand Experiment 1 DVD and book. All to answer a simple question, “Can you prove evolution?” The answer directly impacts your worldview.

What’s Included $112 value

  • Living Fossils

    Filmed over 13 years on three continents and eight countries including many active dinosaur dig sites, museums and universities. Have natural history museums withheld critical fossils from their public displays, fossils that would place the theory of evolution in jeopardy?

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  • Evolution: The Grand Experiment

    This enlightening new documentary includes amazing admissions by evolutionist leaders and is based on the popular book Evolution: The Grand Experiment by Dr. Carl Werner.

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  • Living Fossils

    The existence of “living fossils” challenges the core concepts of evolution and creates a fascinating debate among scholars. Does it indicate a younger earth than some have thought, placing the millions-of-years evolutionary timeline into question? Includes 700 color images presented in an easy-to-read format.

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  • Evolution: The Grand Experiment

    Join the author as he travels the globe—visiting dig sites and museums, conducting interviews with leading experts, and more—all to answer a simple question: “Can you prove evolution?”

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For over 30 years, emergency room physician Dr. Carl Werner was involved in a personal journey, searching for the truth. He traveled the globe—visiting dig sites and museums, conducting interviews with leading experts, and more—all to answer a simple question: “Can you prove evolution?” The issue is foundational—the answer directly impacts your worldview.

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