As we raise our children in the fear of God and love of Jesus, we should remember our child's (and our own) fallen condition.
Parenting can be confusing, but it’s clearer if we understand the concepts behind the formulas.
Living a life of love across ethnic boundaries lets the world—and our children—see the validity of our faith.
Nobody ever said parenting would be easy. All the daily struggles seem to keep getting in the way.
When tragedy strikes, such as major illness, our first reaction is to get frustrated that our ability to parent has been hindered.
If we haven’t experienced it, we know someone who has—a child who was raised in a good Christian home but left it all behind.
We must teach our children how to deal with the subtle thinking of this world that wars against our faith. Knowing your child involves far more than lecturing on what to believe. It mandates conversation and asking questions.It requires the Deuteronomy 6 method of discussing God’s Word, day and night.
Raising children to serve God doesn’t happen by itself. Parents must intentionally engage their children in step-by-step training towards this higher goal. One step is to remind your children that God has given you authority for their own protection and good.
In addition to ensuring that your children receive meaningful instruction from the church, parents are responsible to build a biblical worldview in your children on a daily basis.
Our children should acquire an understanding of evolutionary ideas, particularly as it contrasts with a biblical creation viewpoint.
Getting to the heart of disobedience is difficult and time consuming, but it is our only hope of lasting change.
Parents should be diligent to talk with their children when they rise, when they lie down, and even after Sunday school (Deuteronomy 11:19).
Parents, if you desire to demonstrate biblical love to your children, then exercise biblical discipline. Our culture would benefit greatly from parents disciplining their children God’s way.
My father, Henry Morris, was immersed in writing the groundbreaking book The Genesis Flood (1961) while I was a teenager.
Your view of submission—an annoying hassle or of infinite value—will make all the difference in your children’s perception.
Are you committing a form of “child abuse”? If you are teaching your child that God’s Word in Genesis is true, then Dr. Lawrence Krauss believes you are indeed committing child abuse.
If the United States Senate ratifies a treaty known as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, God’s command for parents to raise their children in the way they should go may be attacked.
Radicalization of the family imminent if amendment to California’s Uniform Parentage Act becomes law.
Apart from God, fathers must make family their spiritual priority.
The Bible instructs us to be on guard—to watch out for the faith-destroying dangers ahead.
Some Christians call Hebrews chapter 11 the “Believers Hall of Fame.” There, God recorded for us the names of some great “heroes of the faith.”
When does a boy become a man? The answer goes far beyond biology and chronological age.
When children reject God, it can be a terrible burden to Christian parents. How does the Bible instruct us react to such sensitive issues?
Next time you want to “reward” your children, consider doing it when they least deserve your kindness. Then they might see more clearly the reward that is waiting for them in heaven.
PDF DownloadSometimes children think it is unfair that little children and even animals die.
It’s hard to imagine that our written words of encouragement to our children can act as a lifelong inspiration to them.
The difference between forgettable vacations and unforgettable vacations is the father's additude and leadership.
When it comes to family vacations, I often enjoy the trip even more than the destination.
Parents are responsible to boldly use resources to raise their children with a biblical worldview.
Isn't that where we want to lead all our children. . .to embrace the cross of Christ, our Creator and Redeemer?
Successful Christian lifetimes are lived one moment at a time.
PDF DownloadShould we keep our children from being exposed to evolutionary ideas? Stacia McKeever, AiG–U.S., shows how we can use such opportunities to teach discernment.
A reader suggests that the creation-gospel message undermines children’s education. Should we be ashamed?
Camping trips are great family vacations because they provide many opportunities for parents, especially dads, to teach their children.
Parents will find the following resources helpful in teaching their children godly principles.
My husband Richard and I developed the God’s Design science curriculum.
Dad, have you ever caught yourself asking this question? “There is much religious motion in our home, but there seems to be little religious passion. What’s the problem?”
AiG responds to the statement, "It concerns me that children will be brainwashed to believe that the Bible is totally true and not look at scientific evidence."
Dads and moms, what legacy are you leaving your children? Are you doing what you should be to ensure that the next generation is not “primitive” spiritually?
Just as God made the role of a diligent dad clear, He has also made His intentions known regarding the role of a godly mom.
Parents may soon be arrested for child abuse for teaching their children the Bible, if things continue they way they are and the church doesn't begin believing the Bible again.
Inside the 30-year-old tunnel I was able to point out some flowstone that greatly resembled flowstone inside the cave that our guide confidently told us was thousands of years old.
I praised the Lord for a father and mother who stood solidly on the inerrant Word of God.
If the sun’s energy is all it takes to get growth, why not save on grocery bills and let your children grow by placing them in the sun?
New Man is the official magazine for the 'Promise Keepers' organization. In a recent issue, fathers were told the following concerning teaching their children about creation/evolution and Genesis...
What can Christian parents do to counteract these effects? How do parents encourage their children to share the faith and retain confidence in the Bible?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.