Teach the Uncompromised Truth of Genesis in Church

by Ken Ham on January 9, 2015

This month, the pastor of one of the largest churches in Northern Kentucky (and close to our Creation Museum) is conducting a teaching series going through Genesis 1–11 for the congregation. This is the same church that will be hosting our annual Mega Conference, June 24–27. I was present at the service when Pastor Corey Abney1 (the lead pastor) introduced the Genesis series to the congregation. I thought his introduction was excellent (watch it at the video link below), and it could be used to challenge pastors, Bible teachers, and others to consider teaching through Genesis 1–11. We live in an age when the authority of God’s Word has come under attack, particularly the first book of the Bible. We also need to equip this current generation of young people to defend the Christian faith against the secular attacks of our day.

I encourage you to watch Pastor Abney’s short but powerful introduction to his teaching series on Genesis 1–11. I pray many more Christian leaders will be challenged and inspired to stand on God’s Word beginning in Genesis.

Again, I urge you to watch the video introduction to Pastor Abney’s Genesis 1–11 teaching series, and urge your church to consider such a series in the near future—and take advantage of the super specials on AiG resources outlined above. I have a real burden that Christian leaders will stand on God’s Word, equip people to defend the christian faith, and be able to "contend earnestly for the faith" as we are instructed to do (Jude 3).


  1. Dr. Corey Abney is the lead pastor of the 2,000-member Florence Baptist Church in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area. He is a graduate of Cedarville University (BA), where he currently serves on the Board of Trustees, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv, PhD), where he teaches as an adjunct professor. Dr. Abney has also served on the Board of Trustees at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in San Francisco, California, on the Executive Board of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and as President of the Kentucky Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference. He and his wife Christina have four children: Caroline, Cameron, Catherine, and Corey Jr. See all footnotes


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