Two thousand years ago... what was the world like? Removed by two millennia and with a very different cultural background, many of us would struggle to describe what the world was like when Jesus walked the dusty streets of Nazareth or taught on the shore of Galilee. But knowing the historical details brings the pages of the Bible into vivid color and gives us new insight into Scripture’s timeless teaching. That’s why I am so excited about Borderland: Israel in the Time of Jesus.
God’s Word is living and active—it’s not a dead historical relic written centuries ago. It’s as relevant to us today as it was to the original audience. As you study the intricacies of society two millennia ago, notice how similar people “back then” are to people today. Truly there’s nothing new under the sun! God knows our human nature intimately and has given us a living Word to change us.
As with all our resources, we trust this book will aid you in going deeper in your knowledge of God and his Word. More than just knowing facts for Bible trivia, let the details of Jesus’ world equip you to better and more accurately interpret and apply God’s Word to your life. (Excerpt from the foreword.)
—Ken Ham, CEO – Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter