In a rising new trend, more teenage girls than boys claim they aren’t sure about their gender identity. Why?
Studies show that in 60% of cases, teachers avoid the subject of evolution or skim over it as quickly as possible.
The British Humanist Association, largely made up of atheists, wants to kick all traces of creation out of academia in favor of its own view.
The priesthood of science discourages people from thinking for themselves.
Evolutionist recommends intimidating teachers and students who do not fall in line with evolutionary dogma.
Even testing to see if pupils know what creationists say is too much, declare evolutionists in an outcry over a GCSE exam question.
The conclusion may seem obvious, but it now has statistical support: high school teaching influences acceptance of evolution.
A college biology professor triumphantly tells his class that it’s evolution or the highway. Too bad he didn’t examine his arguments first.
A recent Times article rehashes a common caricature of creationists as wanting the teaching of evolution censored. But is this the truth?
Only four days into the new year, leading evolutionists have published a new book in an effort to keep creationist ideas out of the public school classroom.
The second article in a two part series discussing what happened at the 172nd meeting of the AAAS last month.
The first article in a two part series discussing what happened at the 172nd meeting of the AAAS last month.
Led by the well-known evolutionist and atheist Eugenie Scott, the National Center for Science Education claims there is no conflict between religious beliefs and evolution.
Dr Michael Dini, professor of biology at Texas Tech University (Lubbock, Texas), makes no secret about his disdain for creationists.
“Wow. That's the only word that I can begin with.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.