Scientists have discovered that koala and human friction skin are almost identical (with slight differences). In fact, if a koala and human both left fingerprints behind at a crime scene, investigators would not be able to tell them apart. This similarity poses serious problems for evolutionists.
Have you ever heard someone say that humans and koalas share a common ancestor? No, of course not. Yet human and koala fingerprint structures are nearly identical. This feature does not fit in the evolutionary timeline or coincide with the evolutionary tree of life.
On the evolutionary tree of life, branches of animals divide to represent different animal groups. The earliest marsupial (from which koalas descended) and primate hang out on different branches. The human, which evolutionists claim descended from a primate ancestor, is positioned on the same branch as primates, whereas the marsupial is on a distinctly different branch. In fact, a supposed 70 million years separates the koala and primate ancestors. Evolutionists cannot explain why human and koala fingerprints are so similar yet distinctly different from primates.
But as believers in biblical creation, we know common design doesn’t mean common ancestry—instead it points to a common Designer.
The similar fingerprint design shared by koalas and humans has evolutionists scratching their heads.
It’s always nice to have something as humble as the llama helping to guard the truth of God’s Word.
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