I used "creation evangelism" to witness to him to get to the "foundation" of his beliefs. Most of our talks about God revolved around evolution.
I have some exciting news! One of my best friends, whom I have been witnessing to for over 2 years has recently come to the Lord. This is so exciting for me, and I couldn't have done it without the help of AiG.
I used "creation evangelism" to witness to him to get to the "foundation" of his beliefs. Most of our talks about God revolved around evolution. Once that system was shown to be false, he was left with nothing to believe but God, and it was easier to present the Bible to him once the "ground was cleared" (see the drawing [right] with the bulldozer in the book "The Lie").
Thank you so much for the work you've done, and for having so many tools available. Your website and resources were invaluable tools in this process. You have no idea what a blessing this is for me! He is a very dear friend. Praise the Lord!
Ralph, a New York police officer with first-hand experience of the aftermath of the horrific happenings 11 September 2001, is not a stranger to AiG. Read Ken Ham’s Genesis at Ground Zero interview of Ralph in the first few weeks after the tragedy.
In police work, we sometimes use a battering ram to break down doors behind which criminals are hiding. I view AiG as the battering ram which God is using to smash down the locked doors of evolution to get to the real enemy behind it - Satan!
Thank you for standing for the truth of the Bible with no work and no apologies! God is using you to stand in the gap! Praise the Lord!
You Friend in Christ,
Ralph DiCosimo
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.