Sophisticated Sea Scorpions

on April 18, 2009
Featured in News to Know

National Geographic News: “First Tool Users Were Sea Scorpions?” Who were the first tool users: Humans? Apes? Crows? No, say evolutionists; it may have been “scorpion-like sea beasts” (and no, they’re not kidding)!

The story starts with fossil tracks found five years ago in Wisconsin. The dozens of tracks are each about 4 inches (10 cm) wide and occur in rocks said to be 500 million years old. From the looks of the tracks, the creatures that made them were multi-legged and appeared to be “dragg[ing] some weight on their left sides.”

The researchers decided the tracks were made by ancient sea scorpions.

In fact, the tracks look like those made by “modern-day hermit crabs,” National Geographic News reports. But that is a problem for evolutionists, who don’t believe hermit crabs evolved until 300 million years after the Wisconsin fossil tracks were made. (Thus, this is another example of evolutionists turning the facts upside-down and interpreting the fossil record according to their presuppositions.)

So what story did evolutionists concoct to explain the tracks? The researchers decided the tracks were made by ancient sea scorpions, an extinct group of creatures that were like a “cross between a scorpion and a horseshoe crab” (according to lead study author Whitey Hagadorn). Evolutionists already believe sea scorpions were one of “the first marine animals to evolve for life on land,” so this fits into their scenario.

But what about the fossil indication that they were dragging something? Here’s where the tale grows tall. Sea scorpions apparently breathed underwater by using gills on their tails. The researchers suggest that the creatures could have stuffed their tails into the shells of snails or some other sea critter. This would have allowed the sea scorpions to walk onto land while keeping their gills moist with humid air trapped inside the shells—like the opposite of scuba gear, the scientists explain.

While it seems far-fetched, this story may become part of the widely accepted “facts” supposedly supporting the evolution of terrestrial life. (Indeed, the tale seems to be largely motivated by the fact that evolutionists believe sea scorpions evolved for life on land.) And while it’s not impossible that sea scorpions could have engaged in such adventurous behavior, the more reasonable explanation is that these indeed are hermit crab tracks. Evolutionists, however, can’t make this admission because it would upset their timeline for the evolution of hermit crabs 300 million years later in the fossil record.

Remember, if you see a news story that might merit some attention, let us know about it! (Note: if the story originates from the Associated Press, Fox News, MSNBC, the New York Times, or another major national media outlet, we will most likely have already heard about it.) And thanks to all of our readers who have submitted great news tips to us.

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