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Check This Out: Fossils and the Flood

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  • Format: MOV
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 3 minutes
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2011
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-2-067
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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  • CTO: Fossils and the Flood (HD (720p) MOV - 54.6 MB)
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Is the fossil record "evidence" of evolution, or does a worldwide flood best explain it? Does evidence "speak for itself" or is it interpreted by people with different worldviews?  Watch and find out a few things you might not have known!


One mini-movie, one low price!

Is the fossil record "evidence" of evolution, or does a worldwide flood best explain it?

Does evidence "speak for itself" or is it interpreted by people with different worldviews?  Watch this video, and find out a few things you might not have known!

You’ve never seen the creation issue addressed quite this way before!

If you want teaching that is fun and exciting, you need Check This Out! These creative, cutting-edge new movies  each covering a distinct “hot topic” in the creation/evolution debate and each answering the controversy at warp speed! Fully animated and colorful, these mini-videos are excellent for everyone—especially teens and college students. Perfect for youth to copy to their media player and share with friends!

The six amazing mini-videos available in this Check This Out! series:

Check This Out!

People respond to different things differently. And that's definitely the case with how they process facts regarding the creation/evolution controversy.

Many people of virtually all ages love to attend (or view) AiG’s popular seminars and conferences, and they can’t get enough of the information once they start to see how it makes the Bible truly come to life. Still others prefer very succinct summaries. In fact, most of us probably fit into both of these categories at different times in our lives.

With that in mind, AiG teamed up with award-winning video producer “Bub” Kuns to create this series of videos, the fastest and most succinct presentations we’ve ever released! Each individual download covers a different topic using an extremely creative combination of animation, text, and humor—squeezed into roughly three minutes of “warp speed” teaching.

The six mini-videos available address each subject with the latest information, making them perfect to show the family, and amazing as a way to spice up sermons, Sunday school lessons, small group studies, and more.

Check This Out - DVD also available.

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